Rose Quartz Crystal Angel Torso mini

$31.00 $34.95

Crystal angels are very symbolic and wonderful as gifts. They offer the perfect opportunity to communicate with your guardian angel for guidance and protection, and can be used as praying angels, and for crystal healing, energy healing and angel therapy. The most common way to use your crystal angel is through meditation. Depending on your intention for your meditation session, you can use your angel for inspiration, guidance or for ideas around healing.

This beautiful pink quartz is associated with the heart and expressing unconditional love to self, others, and the planet. A wonderful stone to invite love, assist in giving love and even attract your soulmate, rose quartz is all about the heart. Centered around the heart chakra, rose quartz can be used for deep emotional healing and release.

Crystals are naturally grown and so stones may vary in colour from those pictured. Each item has been cleansed and infused with Usui Reiki light. Approximate size per angel torso is 40mm x 40mm.