TUMBLE STONES - Obsidian Snowflake 1 stone


balance | courage | personal growth


CHAKRA:  root, third eye

SIGNS:  virgo, scorpio

ELEMENT:  earth

PLANET:  earth

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:  amorphous

COLOUR:  black, white

AFFIRMATION:  “I ask my guides for help to find my best path forward”

BEST FOR:  emotional healing, self-acceptance, strength, meditations, grief

ORIGINS:  Australia, Africa, USA, Mexico, Iceland

COMPANION STONES:  to break bad habits or addictions – amethyst;  connecting to spirit – petrified wood

Finding balance is never easy.  We all have darkness and light inside us.  Masculine and feminine.  Pleasure and pain.  Strikes and gutter balls.  Bringing a balance to mind, body and spirit, Snowflake Obsidian can provide equilibrium during times of upheaval and change and help to keep us centred and focused when any type of chaotic situation arises.

Volcanic in origin, Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone.  Working with Snowflake Obsidian can help to draw things to the surface whether positive or negative, the gentle energy of Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm making it easier to deal with any negative emotions that float up with the good stuff.  Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved.  It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity from external factors, but also from the bearer’s own emotions, anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc.

Physically, Snowflake Obsidian is associated with the root chakra and is said to be beneficial for the veins, skin and smooth skin.

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